Vortex Rikers
Vortex Rikers is a witch house-esque producer from Germany whose new untitled EP is available for free download from Bandcamp now.
Mixing thickly fuzz-toned rhythms and sickly chiming melodies into backgrounds of ominously swelling overcast drone there isn't so much occult to this to land it in that territory, instead it has a (possibly) subtler grasp of sound aesthetics rooting into a less controversial electronic environment than witch house: it hangs heavy with dark and portentous atmospheres that cross into dark ambient and yr less complex Rephlex or Warp tracks, the ones that are all out tone instead of all out acid. There's a hi-pitched tubular ripple in Nightmares that reminds me of the Shadow of the Beast theme music, which I posted up after getting fully into the Ikonika album: so this is an ep that also takes in an 8-bit dubstep reference too, albeit vicariously, but it also has a similar minimal, if not quite so smoothly produced, feel to Actress' Splazsh, featuring some comparatively elegant drum machine programming in tracks Dreams and O, and again, those peculiarly cavernous drips of melody. There's a lot of crossovers happening in this and it all works in its favour.
There's a fair bit of activity around this artist; the ep is due for a re-release with extra tracks on Sweat Lodge Guru at some point in the near-ish future (along with Expo 70 and Mpala Garoo who I wrote about last month), and there are several videos up for tracks off this release, the most recent being this for Dreams using footage from At Land by 1940's-60s' avantgarde film maker Maya Deren
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