Wednesday, 21 April 2010

NFR/SwännS))) DJ Set @ Oneohtrix Point Never

I've been confirmed as DJ for the Penthouse, above the Freebutt for the night that Oneohtrix Point Never plays.  Will be me and Chris, so it will effectively be a SwännS))) DJ set.  Since we consider this an awesomely special event, we'll probably be recording some special SwännS))) track for the night to play upstairs and will be doing a bit of live action jiggery fuck-aboutery in a psychedelic decks 'n'n fx style. Sort of.  It will be a pretty special event, but we promise it will be totally listenable.

Thursday 27th May
Oneohtrix Point Never with Tomottontu
Penthouse DJs - Me(atbreak) & Chris

1 comment:

  1. Way cool!! I wont be able to make it cos I'll be doing Contort Yourself at The Jazz Place!! So annoying I really wanna see OPN as well!!
